Cassys Blog

über Männer, Frauen, Erotik & Feminismus

28. Dezember 2009
von Cassandra Bouffier
2 Kommentare

Different ways to enjoy sex after marriage


1) Smurf Sex: This happens during the honey-moon, you both keep it up until you’re blue in your faces.

2) Kitchen Sex: This is at the beginning of the marriage, you’ll have sex anywhere, anytime.

3) Bedroom Sex: You’ve calmed down a bit, perhaps you have kids, so you got to do it in bedroom.

4) Hallway Sex: This is where you pass each other in the hallway and say: „F*ck you!“

5) Courtroom Sex: This is when you get divorced and the bitch f*cks you before the judge and everyone else in court!

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